Hydrant User Permit Tag
Hydrant Water Use Permits
The purpose of the Hydrant Water Use Permit is to establish an administrative procedure to allow utility, site and landscape contractors, who use large Volumes of water at various locations within the SCPW service area, to access and use the water in an efficient manner.
- All vehicles, tanks or equipment that do not use a construction/hydrant water meter to draw water from the Summerville CPW water system must have a Hydrant Water Use Permit. The withdrawal of water without a permit or meter will result in illegal water use. Tampering with hydrants or service lines is unlawful and subject to the penalties provided by law. SCPW may access a $300 tampering fee per event.
- All vehicles, tanks or equipment that use a hydrant tag are subject to inspection at any time by SCPW personnel to confirm that all procedures and backflow requirements are being met to avoid contamination of the public water system. Hydrant tags must be displayed on any fire hydrant used to obtain water.
- A Hydrant Water Use Permit fee of $125.00 annually is charged for one hydrant tag. Each additional hydrant tag or a replacement tag will cost $45.00 per vehicle. Prior to the issuance of a permit, the company must have a current permit application on file with SCPW.
- All vehicles, tanks or other equipment are required to keep a Hydrant Water Use Log to record the date, location and volume of each use of the water system. The permit holder is also requested to advise SCPW at 875-8761 prior to any water use to avoid any conflicts with other uses of the water system.
- The Hydrant Water Use Log will be sent to SCPW before the 10th of the month for the prior month's water use. If a Hydrant Water Use Log is not submitted (submit one even if there is not use), the permittee will be billed $100.00 for the month.
- Any violations of the procedures or the misuse or illegal use of the water system will result in a permittee privileges being revoked and all future water use will be through a permitted meter.